I got a wild hair yesterday and redesigned my blog using the same paisley background I created to use on twitter. Blogger redesigned its layout since I set up Toe in the Water last year, so it wasn't simply a matter of swapping out a background image for the black background, and adjusting text and link colors. Color blocking and new fonts were involved, widgets, moving things around, and basic tweaking by conventional means, followed by jerry-rigging to fix other minor issues. I'm still not quite happy with needing to move the "Share" widget to the side column from underneath the blog description, but I'm not skilled enough in html/css to handle transparencies from scratch. At least i managed to figure out how to use the same "AddToAny" widget for the blog as a whole and for each individual entry...that took some time. The real issue is that the tag cloud at the bottom of the page may not be as readable as it could be, but I hope you'll let me know if that's the case.
Sometimes you just gotta zhuzh, ya know? Particularly when it helps keep those mad skills developed over years, even for a blog nobody reads. <g>

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