While I won't attend my first all-day Saturday class until the weekend for the core course Introduction to Information Access and Retrieval (and no coursework has yet to appear on Blackboard), yesterday I read the first chapter in my textbook for Information Resources Development, my online-only class. Today the first learning module and assignment opened. On February 8th I'll need to turn in a 15-page Library Profile on one of four library types. The library we use for this project will remain "our" library for the entire semester, and a multitude of projects.
I quickly discounted my local branch library within the Dallas system because so many decisions are centralized; I didn't see tackling such a large system as a neophyte as a smart choice, so next I contacted the Richardson Public Library. Richardson is a city of 100,000 just north of Dallas, and while there is but one library, the sole person I was directed to contact will be unavailable until mid-week next week. Because my deadline is not all that far off, I'm new to the program, and new to academia in the 21st century, I nixed that option as well. Both SMU and Richland Community College aren't far away, and while Garland is a little farther, my husband is on the Chamber of Commerce and it's a distinct possibility.
But none of these options appeal to me as much as focusing on a special collection. After having visited the Dallas Museum of Art this weekend, I initially thought of contacting their art library, but then I remembered the main Dallas Public Library has a Fine Books collection. Yes, it's part of the same large DPL system, but it's more or less an enclave. I called them, and if my professor indicates it's not too limiting a choice for an entire semester's projects, I'd like to use it. It somehow appeals to me more.
Now I'm off to do a Microsoft tutorial on creating a document outline. My attempts to use a template I found earlier today didn't go as expected and it took far longer for me to take my notes on the learning module than expected. Hopefully I'll have a response from my professor by the time I finish the tutorial.

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