A problem with my family - and it works in reverse with my husband's family, and may be equally detrimental - is a lack of boundaries. Even though I've attempted to create the proper boundary balance throughout my adult life - at work, in my personal life, and with family - sometimes I'm not entirely successful, and yesterday I experienced that when I went to the movies with my 18-year-old daughter.
We saw Get Him to the Greek because both of us wanted to see it, just like a couple of years ago I'd agreed to see Borat with her, my mom, sister, and my sister's two kids, who are two and five years older than Rachael. Although I'd wanted to see Borat, my suggestion for that Thanksgiving weekend was the more appropriate, and also hilarious, For Your Consideration, but I was out-voted. Talk about embarrassment...sitting in this very funny but very inappropriate movie not only with my daughter, then just 15, but also my mother.
Other instances where my judgment was not the best in terms of movie viewing with my daughter: Jarhead and Brokeback Mountain. Rachael was 14 when we watched those films, and I felt the content was important enough to balance my embarrassment. Was I mistaken? I don't think so, but with boundary issues, it's hard to say.
Get Him to the Greek was mostly very, very funny, and I thank God that Rachael decided to get a soda during what I believe was the most inappropriate scene, but let's face it...she still witnessed the aborted threesome during which Aldous Snow goes down on Zoey Bartlet.

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