Compromising Positions
Jenna Bayley-Burke
Grade: B-
As a general rule I'm not one for contemporary romances featuring virginal heroines well into their twenties. All too often these women seem to have sexually-defined careers - they are radio sex therapists or some such - yet also manage to remain wholly unaware of their own bodies. Thankfully petite Sophie Delfino doesn't fit the mold, although the romance is centered around the Kama Sutra/yogo fitness classes for couples she is sub-teaching with David Strong. Sophie is the majority - but silent - partner in a fitness club also owned by Daphne, her sister, and managing partner. When Daphne got pregnant and put on bed rest, Sophie left her job as a forensic accountant to keep the club going. As for her virginal status, well, first she spent years caring for ailing parents, and while she dates plenty, she's fantasized with her trusty vibrator about David ever since spying him at Daphne's wedding. She wants him...and only relieve her of her virginity. Trouble is, David doesn't do virgins, he only sleeps with tall blonds - and never more than once - and his best friend Craig, Daphne's husband, would probably kill him if he took advantage of her.

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